Welcome to the Other Side!
Reclaiming Life after Surviving and
Caregiving Through the Abyss of Cancer
by Sherri and John Snoad
“As a three-time cancer survivor, I know firsthand the many obstacles faced by both patients and caregivers after a cancer diagnosis. The stories, practical advice and resources shared in “Welcome to the Other Side!” make all the difference, and I wish I could have read this when I was first diagnosed. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is navigating the cancer experience.”
— Doug Ulman, CEO Pelotonia
“I love this book. It really helps clarify the post remission period, where cancer survivors should feel celebratory but, instead, is often a time of confusion, reorientation, and recovery. Totally counter intuitive. A new state of ’normal‘ and a new rhythm that can only be understood after one has lived it. Your story captures so any elements that are passed over in ‘survivor’ stories. Thank you for this great piece of work!”
— Robert Baiocchi, MD, PhD
Professor of Internal Medicine
Division of Hematology
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
“Sherri and John bravely share their personal journey as cancer patient and caregiver in "Welcome to the Other Side!" Creative storytelling through two unique perspectives includes key take-aways and lessons learned, as they navigate this new world. This is a must-read!”
— Gretchen A. McNally, PhD, ANP-BC, AOCNP
Division of Hematology
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
What readers are saying...
" I already love this book!!! I'm not yet on page ten and I'm crying. I just lost my uncle to stage 4 metastatic melanoma and one of the most encouraging moments of the last year was when a.. radiology oncology Doc...told my uncle he "didn't want him to fall through the cracks" just like in the book! I am so happy to be able to read this book. Thank you for the recommendation."
- Emily,
"Awesome read, love the book and actually sent this to several people I personally know that are going though this to give them hope!"
- Mandy
"Loved it. I cried, learned a lot and was able to relate to many things. If you have ever had any form of cancer this is a great read. Thanks John and Sherri."
- Diane